Terms & Conditions


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Terms & Conditions of website


To ensure that all visitors to www.biocair.com are aware of how to use the website in accordance with Copyright laws.

Content of policy

Biocair general copyright statement

  • All content and materials provided on this site are covered by the laws of copyright and as such these rights are owned or controlled by Biocair International Limited (“Biocair”) or where applicable an alternate copyright owner.
  • The content and materials from this site may not be reproduced except for private personal non-commercial use by individual users and may not be distributed, publicly performed, archived or otherwise used in any medium whatsoever except with the prior express written permission of Biocair.

Biocair Terms and Conditions of use

  1. This site shall refer to any content and materials in whatever form stored on and made available from electronic devices, which may be described hereafter as a server, or servers, which are under the direct control of Biocair.
  2. The user of this site shall mean any individual private person or business or organisation or electronic device or mechanism accessing this site in whatever capacity and by whatever means.
  3. The phrase 'content and materials' referred to herein shall mean any pictures, video, animation, sound, text, information, computer file or other electronic data in any form and combination whatsoever made available from this site and which without limitation to the foregoing may also be defined as the intellectual property of Biocair.
  4. By accessing any content and materials from this site the user hereby agrees to the terms and conditions of use described in this statement upon the date and time of their first access of this site.
  5. Biocair reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time with any such changes being made available from this site, continued use of content and materials from this site after such changes have been made available shall constitute full acceptance by the user of these changes.
  6. All content and materials from this site may not be reproduced except for private personal non-commercial use by individual users and may not be used for the development of content exploited, distributed, publicly performed, archived or otherwise used in any medium whatsoever except with the prior express written permission of Biocair.
  7. By accessing this site the user hereby agrees not to use content and materials from this site to change edit adapt or to create work derived from such content and materials for any purpose whatsoever other than for their own personal non-commercial private use.
  8. Biocair reserves the right to charge any user at any time for access to and the use of all content and materials from this site such charges shall not in any way invalidate the rights of the copyright holder and shall not entitle the user to use or exploit such content and materials in any way which may be a breach of these terms and conditions.
  9. The copying, harvesting or use by whatever means of any e-mail addresses within domains controlled or managed by Biocair or e-mail addresses or other means of message delivery made available from this site which shall consequently be used for the purposes of sending unsolicited e-mail or for any other unsolicited commercial purpose is strictly prohibited and is considered to be contrary to the laws of the European Union and England and Wales Where such activity is proven then Biocair shall hold both the company and or individual responsible for sending such messages and the company and or individual who is the subject of such messages liable and reserves the right to recover all costs and damages from such parties.
  10. All materials and content available from this site are provided 'as is' without any implicit or explicit guarantee as to their suitability for use for any particular purpose.
  11. Without limitation and irrespective of any contractual obligations Biocair shall not be deemed negligent or liable for any damages whatsoever either indirect or consequential which may arise from the use of or failure to access any material and content available from this site.
  12. Biocair reserves the right to alter, edit or delete at any time any of the materials and content available from this site and does not warrant or guarantee that any such materials or content shall be free of errors or shall be made available on an uninterrupted basis.
  13. The names, domain names, associated logos and images which identify the products and services of the Biocair or where applicable any sites originating from Biocair servers remain the property of Biocair.
  14. Where there is a difference between these Terms and Conditions and any other terms made available from this site then the latter shall predominate.
  15. Where any individual term and condition contained herein shall be unenforceable, illegal or invalid owing to the laws of the country or state in which this site is being accessed by the user then that term or condition only shall be deleted leaving effective and binding all remaining terms and conditions.
  16. Biocair believes in strong electronic privacy and unless forced by court order or similar legal requirement Biocair shall wherever possible attempt to maintain the confidentiality of any data submitted to Biocair by an individual user and will not pass on information, which may identify that user to any third party without that users permission.
  17. Biocair believes in the inalienable right to free speech but does not accept any liability whatsoever for false malicious defamatory or illegal information or data submitted by a user and which may consequently be made available from this site either inadvertently or by automated electronic process.
  18. These Terms and Conditions of use shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and any consequent dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
  19. Failure to agree with any of these terms and conditions requires the user to cease any further access to this site and to ensure the destruction of all copies made in whatever medium of any content or materials made by the user from this site.


IOR Terms and Conditions

Click here to view Biocair's IOR Terms and Conditions

Sustainable Procurement Charter

Click here to view Biocair's Sustainable Procurement Charter.